NBN Subcontractors Explain FTTB Speed, Installation & Repair

Posted at 31/08/2017 11:28pm

Prior to diving into NBN speeds and service delivery expecations. Just wanted to let you know that if you're requiring assistance with your FTTB VDSL or Telephone Line, you have come to the right place.

Did you know, Mr Telco’s Network Building Division are one of Sydney’s primary NBN installation contractors that performed installations of the CBD’s infrastructure enabling CBD apartment and businesses to connect their internet and phone lines to the NBN.

Mr Telco NBN FTTB Experts

Alongside our Network Building Division we also have a Retail and ISP Division which enables us to work directly for you, as our customers and at the same time having the back end knowledge as NBN subcontractors working alongside NBN FTTN, FTTB, FTTC type projects giving you exceptional in-depth knowledge and service.

If you have requirements to connect to the NBN network, by way of MDF jumpering or performing a manual cross connect from the old telecom system to the new NBN system, then Mr Telco will be able to assist you, after all we contributed to a majority of the rollout throughout Sydney CBD and will soon start North Sydney FTTB rollout.

Mr Telco are an NBN approved technician/subcontractor. We are probably the best persons to call for your internal wiring checks, mdf jumpering or fault findings.

We have and build many relationships with Building Managers within the Sydney inner and outer areas (including other capital cities too), making us the right firm to deal with, giving you less issues to deal with. Mr Telco hold also hold all the correct insurances, licenses and know-how to carry out your VDSL or telephone line fault inspections and repairs. Simply ask our technicans for a copy should you require them.

What technology does NBN utilise in the Sydney CBD? 

NBN utilises FTTB (fibre to the basement) technology within and around Sydney CBD. It will delivery speeds of up to 100MB download and 40MB upload.

NBN throughout 2018 will start the rollout of FTTC (Fibre to the Curb), of which we'll keep you updated in another article as more information becomes available.

What does a FTTB Node look like? 

A FTTB Node is located within a cabinet installed and mounted onto a wall or floor, now depending on the amount of end users connecting at your premises, there is generally 3 cabinet sizes. Let’s refer to them as Small, Medium and Large.

Most of Sydney CBD’s FTTB cabinets Mr Telco have installed are considered Medium to Large type cabinets due to being densely populated.

Medium Size: (Alcatel MX6 Type Installation)

The Medium sized NBN box, is a 12RU cabinet that’s mounted onto a buildings wall, then provides copper tails called X & C Pairs to the customers MDF.

NBN FTTB Cabinet Medium

Large Size: (Alcatel 7330 Cabinet)

The Large sized NBN cabinet is a full rack installation that is bolted to the ground. Again, copper tails leave the NODE and terminate next to the buildings MDF FRAME ready for cutover.

Large FTTB NBN Node Basement

What are X & C Pairs in FTTB/FTTN?

X & C Pairs are the lines distributed from the Node which are terimated in segmentation being X & C. The reason they are segmented, is that the C pairs are for use with VDSL (internet service) only and also have a vectoring module connected into it to provide high bandwidth connection speeds.

The X Pairs are used for termination of old school telephony services of which we refer to to POTS. These services are generic phone lines which dial in and out of and predomantly used for alarm, lifts or other services where customers won't require DSL signal.

X & C Pairs NBN Explained

Speaking on lifts, there is a requirement that lift phones have permanent connectivity to a telephone service in case someone gets stuck in a lift. Due to the technology change FTTB introduces, there are difficulties and in-fact NBN are unable to guarantee a working service like the traditional method, mainly due to low capacity battery back-up within the node and having to rely on building power.

In saying the above, there are lift phone solutions for dealing with NBN's problem, of which mainly are using 4G VoIP solutions. If you need a hand with lift phone solutions, call our office 1300 788 987 and we'll point you in the direction of one of our partners.

FTTB NBN Speeds - What to expect?

As mentioned above, Mr Telco's Network Building Division performed installations of the FTTB cabinets as NBN subcontractors and have proof they are capable of delivering over 100MB download and 40MB Upload. As part of integration and handover of a completed NODE, we are to take speed readings. As you can see in the following image, we are in fact able to receive close to 130MB download and 60MB upload, however due to software, capacity and QOS, NBN will provide speeds of up to 100MB download.




Which internet service is going to be faster, running through FTTB or FTTN? Both these delivery methods are in-fact using the same technology VDSL with incorporated vectoring.

Both FTTB and FTTB will provide the same level of service quality and speeds. HOWEVER!

The only distinguishing factor that may affect maximum speeds will be the length of the copper cabling between the NODE and the customers wall socket. So if I had to take my bet, the maximum cabling distance for an average high rise is probably not going to go over 100 meters as opposed to FTTN where a cabinet can be significantly greater in distance to the house, you are more likely to suffer lower speeds with FTTN.


We hope this article has been informative and if you have any questions, feel free to contact our National head office 1300 788 987 (option 3). We provide NBN subcontractor services for FTTB / FTTB MDF Jumpering + Phone & Internet Repairs in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Newcastle, Gold Coast, Canberra, Perth, Adelaide, Tasmania, Wollongong, Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast.