ALL Lights Flashing on NBN Modem or Box?

Posted at 21/12/2022 10:55am


NBN lights flashing concatenated simultaneously DOES NOT mean your NBN Service is faulty deemed in alternate readings and troublshooting guides provided by NBN or Retail Service Providers.

With all this confusion and misrepresentation, I thought to shed some light (no pun indended) on the situation we recently incured with an NBN customer experiencing such issues with their NBN box at a new rental property moved into.

NBN makes mention on their website troubleshooting guide, that when ALL LIGHTS FLASHING on your HFC modem it states its going through a firmware update. Well, that maybe the case, however with this particular customer our technician tested the input signal and was fine. Although as a safety net the Mr Telco technician did change the wallplate connector, and also re-terminated the RG6 connector in the PCD/ Network Boundary Point located on the front side wall of the customers home.

All Lights Flashing NBN ModemImage: NBN Lights Flashing On & Off

Upon powering the device up, we identified the correct sequence on the light indication panel green solid from power, downstream, upstream then online. All taking about 30-45 seconds. However after all lights remained illuminated (indicating a working service) all the lights just dropped out and started flashing and would remain flashing until you power cycled the NBN MODEM/NTD.

Although NBNs paper advises this is a firmware update, its not possible this is a firmware update that would never stop.

Next step, we gathered further information from the customer of who advised our Mr Telco technician they have not selected an RSP or Internet Service Provider as yet. So we helped the customer select a suitable Internet Provider and awaited their Service Activation E-mail.

We advised the customer this process of activation can take hours, and then we can seek out next steps for fault resolution through either NBN or the RSP (Sure at this point, it could have been a faulty NBN modem stuck in firmware update mode.

Just as our internet technician was leaving site with his toolbox, feeling a little defeated. The customer in excitement screams out 'NBN LIGHTS are ON & Stopped Flashing'. As our technician entered the room, we noticed ALL Green light indicators were solid and lit on the NBN modem. Our team quickly checked the internet connection and Woolah! Happy days and internet is working beautifully.


Seemingly, the outcome was the NTD MAC ADDRESS (unique modem identifier) was not registered on the NBN Network with an RSP, and that seems the only closing arguement why all lights were blinking/flashing in concatenated fashion on the NBN Box.

So if you find you've moved into a house, and your modem experiences this same fault, then perhaps the modem/ntd is not registered on the NBN network and caught up in some learning/listening state, awaiting connection for an RSP.

So double check when you do sign-up with an ISP, you have your Connection Ready e-mails and all cabling is plugged or screwed in correctly.

Should you have any issues or questions, call one of our internet repair technicians who'll give some friendly advise and do our very best in assisting you bringing your internet online in a jiffy!