Live Internet Outage Charts

Posted at 21/08/2016 07:56am

Live Internet Outage Complaints charts displayed for most large Australian Internet Service Providers. These charts represent common problems, complaints and potential outages for each ISP. These charts, I'm sure are just a good indication as to whether you may have issues within your local area for example, a mass service disruption, or if not, you might like to think about engaging our phone & internet technicians for assistance.
































If you feel your internet or phone dropouts have come-about from a  mass service disruption, we recommend watching your ISP's website or following your ISP's recommended fault logging process. Alternatively, visit their online social media outlet and let one of the representatives know of your concerns directly via Facebook or Twitter.

Think you've got some internet problem inside your home or business causing a potential outage or dilemma? Why not call our ACMA licensed telephone & internet technicians, having experience with NBN, phone, ADSL and VDSL2 makes your first call a right one.