
What is a crossover?

Name: Mahmoud

Location: Bankstown

In the process of installing a new driveway during a renovation. The builder said I need to check with asset providers to make sure there are no obstructions for the new driveway to be installed on the crossover. I've never heard of the word crossover before.


The crossover is simply the council strip in between the road and your property boundary.

Name: Mr Telco

Location: Australia Wide

Basically your Builder is requesting that your green power box, NBN pit, water meter and gas will not be in the way. Depending which state you're from some people refer to the crossover as the nature strip, council land, council strip. Effectively they are the exact same.

For example, certain rules and regulations apply for carriage of a motor vehicle driving over an NBN pit in your driveway. The Builder needs to adhere to certain regulations regarding this.

Should you be installing a driveway over a crossover, ensure you have contacted the relevant assett owners confirming you can in-fact install your driveway in which way you request.

If you want to move your NBN pit or Telstra pit. This is quoted and should be done so through Telstra Asset Relocation application. Just note, the end customer requesting the asset relocation will be quoted and can sometimes end up in the 10s of thousands.

You need a permit before you build, repair or modify a residential driveway to access a single detached house. (depending which state or council you are part of).

Should you have any further questions, you can call a respective asset holder maintenance contractor, or if its regarding your telecommunications or NBN pit in the driveway, you can call our team and we'll see if we can lead you in the right direction.

Have questions regarding your NBN pit on your crossover? Call today.

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